Irving Baliff

Irving Baliff


Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… unknown. Irving’s memory of his past has been wiped on the inside while he works. Little details are given sparingly here and there give him brief glimpses into his past and his life on the outside, but he’s largely in the dark about his past life.

Living… every waking moment in the office. Irving’s “innie” (or his severed self while at work as it is colloquially referred to) has only ever known life at his job. However, he tries to make the best of his situation by enjoying the bright spots and developing deep connections with his fellow employees. He’s proud of his work. As he says, “Everything we do here is important.”

Profession… employee in the Macro Data Refinement Department at Lumon Industries. Irving has no clue what he actually does for Lumon, but he does not question all that much about it. He tends to mind his own business and go with the flow of the office has instructed—that is, as long as the few things he cares about remain intact.

Interests… art and history. Irving has an innate appreciation for the arts as evidenced by his fondness for the Optics and Design Department and the paintings that they rotate around the office space. He often stops to admire his favorite pieces and frequently takes strolls to visit that enriching fellow department.

Relationship Status… single but open to a relationship. Although romantic relationships are heavily forbidden in the office between “innies”, this is a difficult policy to enforce. And for Irving, it can even make the idea of one blossoming in secret even more exciting.

Challenge… focusing on his work and not giving in to distractions. Irving is typically a stickler for workplace rules, however, his new interest in the newly discovered optics and design department is distracting him. He keeps taking him on strolls away from his work to visit his new friends, including Burt.

Personality… old-fashioned, refined, punctual, and loyal. Irving is a great worker that adds a sense of culture and tradition to the workspace. However, being so in touch with what he is passionate about means that his sense of loyalty can be easily damaged by an environment that is not conducive to it.


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