Character Analysis
(Avoiding Spoilers)
Grew Up… poor. Harvey was 16 when he first caught his mom cheating on his dad. Harvey knew of his mother’s repeated infidelities during the two years leading up to his parents’ divorce, and remained silent about them to protect his father. While still a young man working in a firm’s mailroom, Harvey met Jessica Pearson, his future boss and colleague. After managing to impress Jessica with his initiative, cunning, and negotiating abilities, she offered to send him to Harvard Law, all expenses paid.
Living… in luxury. The bank account of a high-powered lawyer in New York City allows for some high-expense fun and games.
Profession… attorney, and the self-proclaimed “best closer in New York city” – though others sometimes proclaim it too. It’s undeniable that Harvey is good at what he does. With raw talent, encyclopedic knowledge of the law, and unorthodox methods, Harvey never fails to amaze. He can improvise where he needs to, and even his working principle of “keep pressing till it hurts” isn’t industry-standard. Harvey’s most daring move is hiring a new associate, Mike Ross, who isn’t even a college graduate never mind a Harvard Law alum, but is incredibly smart in both the “book” and “street” senses.
Interests… poker, the higher the stakes the better. Harvey likes cars too, and is known to drive a Bentley, an Aston Martin, a Mercedes, a Lexus, and a vintage Mustang. In high school he enjoyed playing baseball, and played it well. The trait that links Harvey’s passions is that he’s a competitor, in and out of the boardroom.
Relationship Status… single. He’s capable of charm, but incapable of commitment. Harvey is a carouser, using his affability and charisma to seduce any woman who captures his fancy. He makes a point of not sleeping with married women, but as a pragmatic concern rather than a moral stance; he likes to avoid unnecessary complications. One of the serial hook-ups that he carries on is with Dana Scott, a rival from Harvard Law against whom he still competes in court.
Challenge… caring about more than just himself. Perhaps due to childhood trauma, Harvey makes a point of depending on no one and getting his fulfilment from ambition, material success, and expression of his own worth. Harvey’s challenge is to move beyond the sarcasm and wit that characterize an ironic attitude toward existence and learn what it means to have responsibility to others. If he can’t find a way to base his happiness on more than winning for himself – and admit it – then he may remain alone forever.
Personality… narcissistic, egotistical, and driven. As he admits, “I’m not about caring, I’m about winning.”