Haruhi Fujioka

Haruhi Fujioka

    Ouran High School Host Club

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew up… as a hardworking, independent only child. After her beloved mother died, Haruhi was left to run the household with her well-intentioned but unreliable father. Haruhi does most of the cooking, cleaning, and other household chores. She’s spent a lot of her time studying, with the goal of becoming a lawyer like her mother.

Living… in a modest apartment in Bunkyō, near Tokyo. Haruhi’s family doesn’t have a lot of money, but she lives in a decent part of town. She used to attend the local public school, but her intelligence lets her win a scholarship to elite private academy Ouran High.

Profession… student and host. On her first day at Ouran, Haruhi had the misfortune to break a Ming vase owned by the Host Club. In order to pay off her debt, she has to work as a host – someone who entertains women with conversation and flirting. No one at school other than the Host Club knows that she’s a girl, and Haruhi doesn’t really care. As she says: "It's more important for a person to be recognized for who they are rather than for what sex they are.”

Interests… hanging out with the Host Club, and studying hard. All of the other students at Ouran are fascinated by Haruhi’s life as a “commoner," so occasionally it’s her job to teach them about things like instant coffee and supermarkets. Though she generally disdains wealth, she does love (woefully expensive) fancy tuna.

Relationship Status… single, and seemingly oblivious to anyone’s feelings for her. While Haruhi has a number of admirers, especially in the Host Club, she continues to treat people as close friends, not potential dates.

Challenge… dealing with the antics of her fellow Host Club members. Especially those of the leader Tamaki and the mischievous Hitachiin twins. And keeping up with her schoolwork. And working as a host. And running a household. And making sure no one finds out she’s a girl. And... well, to put it succinctly, Haruhi has a lot on her plate.

Personality… blunt and honest, but caring. Haruhi is never afraid to speak her mind, even when it’s not what people want to hear. She’s very non-judgmental, perhaps because of her father’s work as a cross-dresser, but she has trouble putting up with “obnoxious” people like Tamaki. However, she cares deeply for all of the Host Club members, and her insights into their feelings have proved on-the-nose many times.


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