Harmony Cobel

Harmony Cobel


Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… in mysterious circumstances. Harmony has an ambiguous background that one can only assume is somewhat rooted around Lumon given her stringent priorities. Regardless, her past is something she keeps very private.

Living… alone in a nice suburban home near Lumon headquarters. Harmony often finds it difficult to escape her work life when at home because of the drastic proximity, not only to the headquarters themselves but also to her coworkers who also live in the area—whom she always finds herself around whether they know it or not. Harmony is devoted to her professional life, so much so to use her free time to actively interfere with the lives of her coworkers and keep them in check.

Profession… manager of the severed floor at Lumon Industries, in which employees are unable to access any of their memories from home while at work and vice versa. A rather odd detail is that although she manages severed workers, Harmony herself is not severed, which leads to a seemingly unfair and suspicious power imbalance between her and her employees.

Relationship Status… single. Harmony can be intimidating and cold. In fact, she is known to say that “a handshake is available upon request.” If she were to settle down, it would have to be with someone that unwaveringly supports her ambitions as well.

Challenge… managing the severed floor to the standard expected by the board of trustees. By virtue of managing such an experimental and high-stakes branch of business, Harmony is under a great amount of stress by her superiors to make sure everything runs smoothly—an amount of pressure that drives her to make some drastic decisions.

Personality… determined, intense, and sometimes downright ruthless. Harmony is a commanding figure, so it is no wonder that she was given the duty of managing such a difficult job. But as a result of her relentless drive, she ultimately neglects her personal life, leading to some dramatic emotional dysregulation.


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