Gyp Rosetti

Gyp Rosetti

    Boardwalk Empire
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… as the son of a bricklayer in the old country, Sicily. Gyp saw his father work hard for very little money and then die at age 50. This is why Gyp came to America, the land of opportunity.

Living… in New York with his wife, daughters and mother-in-law. Gyp will kill or torture almost anyone at the drop of a hat, but he’ll let his mother-in-law get away with any insult she wants. That is his Sicilian loyalty at work.    

Visiting… Atlantic City, N.J. Gyp is trying to work his way up in the bootlegging business, and the people he needs to talk to are all in Atlantic City. While Gyp has the ambition and the drive, he doesn’t always have the savvy and sophistication that it takes to make friends in Atlantic City.

Profession… running brothels and speakeasies in New York. But that’s small-time work in the grand scheme of things. Gyp has a mind to get into the serious money of bootlegging. It doesn’t matter who or what gets in his way, Gyp isn’t going to let this kind of opportunity pass by.

Interests… good Italian cooking. Gyp’s main weakness, aside from his deadly temper, is his love of meatballs.

Relationship Status… married. Though Gyp doesn’t always find the kind of excitement that he’s looking for in bed at home. His sexual tastes are, shall we say, slightly painful, and he isn’t about to ask his wife to do things like that to him.

Challenge… keeping his temper under control. Rosetti will attack and even kill anyone, no matter how powerful or dangerous they are, if he detects a hint of insult or sarcasm. When leading Atlantic City gangster Nucky Thompson advises Gyp to take things less personally, he retorts, “Everyone’s a person, alright? So how else could they take it?” Gyp is often his own worst enemy.

Personality… a ticking time-bomb. Gyp is one of the most dangerous men in America. His inability to relate to people, which fuels his violent rampages, also makes him a sad and lonely man. On some level he realizes this, which is why he once demanded of God while praying, “And I’m supposed to go through my life… no friendship, no love, ‘til I’m pissin’ in my bed?”


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