Sookie St. James

Sookie St. James

    Gilmore Girls
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Overview… chef at the Independence Inn and a supportive best friend to Lorelai Gilmore. Sookie is enthusiastic about her job and her friendships – sometimes a bit too much so. Her gregarious attitude in the kitchen can lead to some accidents, but she always goes above and beyond in her cooking. Sookie loves living in Stars Hollow, Connecticut, where she is an active part of the town’s many festivals and events. 

Personality… bubbly, quirky, and devoted to her friends and family. When Sookie believes in something, she puts her all into it. She can actually be a bit of a perfectionist, especially when it comes to her recipes – Sookie will serve only the best. She has a tendency to get over-excited, but she is always well-intentioned.


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