Gideon Jura

Gideon Jura

    Magic: The Gathering

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… on the plane of Theros. Coming from humble beginnings, Gideon has always displayed an incredible amount of determination and discipline, as well as a natural propensity to lead and support all others around him.

Living… somewhere in the Multiverse. An individual unmistakably dedicated to the protection of others above all else, Gideon goes wherever needs his help the most and will fight tooth and nail to protect the well-being of the vulnerable and innocent.

Profession… hieromancer and founding member of the Gatewatch. Gideon is a warrior that devotes his life to the noble cause of protecting citizens of the entire Multiverse from all kinds of evils that threaten it.

Interests… justice and physical combat. Gideon has a passion for hands-on combat, but he will only use such force when absolutely necessary. He values his morals and what he believes is right, and he is not afraid to get his hands dirty to protect those interests.

Relationship Status… single. Gideon is a soldier at heart and serving will be his sole priority for a long time. Perhaps one day, he will be able to settle down with someone with the same belief system, as that is what is most important to him and a must for anyone who wishes to get close to him.

Challenge… having a less rigid outlook on the world. Gideon is a man of strict morals, so it is sometimes hard for him to see that there is often a lot of gray area in the real world. To become a better version of himself, Gideon must learn to forgive and take a more understanding and flexible approach toward his biggest dilemmas.

Personality… strong, just, and truehearted. Gideon is all that anyone could ask for out of a leader or ally. He knows what he believes in and is not afraid to fight for it. There are few who are more reliable and easy to count on than Gideon—that is if you are lucky enough to be deemed worthy of his protection.


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