Gibreel Farishta

Gibreel Farishta

    The Satanic Verses

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew up… destined for the slums. But in a classic rags-to-riches story, poor Ismail Najmuddin was rescued by a rich man who took in the orphaned 20-year-old, fed him, taught him, and finally raised Gibreel Farishta to stardom.

Living… miraculously. After his flight is highjacked by terrorists, Gibreel plummets several thousand feet into the English Channel – and survives. Though with a few changes: Gibreel's mind seems to have taken some damage, and there's the odd halo around his head. Meanwhile his fellow survivor, Saladin Chamcha, sprouts a pair of horns.

Profession… Bollywood actor, and damned good at it. Gibreel isn't a mere superstar – he's a megastar, "for fifteen years the biggest star in the history of the Indian movies." Beloved by women around India, Gibreel specializes in playing gods and deities, and so when he starts sprouting a halo and hearing voices, it's natural that he thinks, "I am the Angel, Gibreel."

Interests… women, song, and getting the ungodly to repent of their sins. He might have had a rocky relationship with Allah in the past, but now that he's becoming an Archangel, Gibreel's starting to take theology a bit more seriously. Though that doesn't stop him from having his earthly delights and singing, as he falls out of his plane, "how to win the darling's love mister, without a sigh?”  

Relationship Status… widower. Gibreel's playboy ways caused his wife, Rekha Merchant, to commit suicide. While Gibreel is remorseful, it doesn't stop him from being in love with mountaineer Allie Cone.

Challenge… embracing his role as the Archangel Gibreel in the face of persecution and skepticism. Everyone around him – including even Allie Cone – seems to think Gibreel's visions are some sort of hallucination. And perhaps they're right: he has been feeling rather odd lately. But then there's that halo...

Personality… cheerful, chatty, and quite unstable. Gibreel's a friendly fellow, quick to cozy up with pretty girls or make friends with strangers. However, this doesn't mean he's a very good friend: irresponsible and capricious, he can be obliviously hurtful. And as his mental health deteriorates, so too does Gibreel's erratic behavior, mixed now with a tinge of fanaticism. 


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