Fennec Shand

Fennec Shand

    The Book of Boba Fett

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Living… in Jabba’s palace in the Northern Dune Sea of Tatooine. After Fennec Shand and Boba Fett overpower Bib Fortuna, who had been ruling the palace after Jabba’s death, she helps Fett defend his newly won position as a crime lord. Boba Fett saved her life, so she feels a duty to protect him and help establish his reign.

Profession… bounty hunter, mercenary, and Master Assassin. Because of her service to notorious criminals under the Empire, Shand was forced into hiding. Fett’s position as daimyo allows her both protection and purpose. An efficient and often ruthless bounty hunter, Shand is the perfect balance to Boba Fett’s more moderate ruling style.

Relationship Status… single. Shand believes she can only truly trust herself. But as she is coming to realize, the galaxy is a dangerous place to be on your own. She is starting to connect with Boba Fett.

Challenges… straying from the way things are typically done, keeping Boba Fett in power, and staying alive. Shand often disagrees with Fett’s more moderate ruling strategies, believing that strength and tradition are the most effective ways to maintain power. However, she doesn’t let that detract from her loyalty and defends Fett and the palace valiantly whenever they are attacked.

Personality… practical, intense, and intelligent. Shand is a fast thinker, a skill that comes in handy in both combat and social practices. Bounty hunting is an “every man for himself” profession, and Shand took that to heart by keeping her distance and keeping an eye on everyone. She has become cynical and untrusting. In her own words, “In difficult times, fear is a surer bet.”


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