Fabiola Torres

Fabiola Torres

    Never Have I Ever

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Living… in Sherman Oaks, California, with her parents, Elise and Victor Torres, and brother, Hugo. Her parents are successful and run a traditional home. They’ve put in the work so that Fabiola and her brother can grow up with so much more than they ever had.

Profession… sophomore at Sherman Oaks High School where she is the captain of the school’s robotics team.

Interests… geeking out over technology and robotics. When she’s not hanging out with her two best friends, Devi and Eleanor, she’s confiding in her robot, Gears Brosnan. Fabiola also loves pop music—especially Dua Lipa. As she says, “I had a dream the other night that Dua Lipa was feeding me grapes.”

Relationship Status… single. As part of a plan to make their friend group more popular, Fabiola has been tasked by Devi to pursue Alex Gomez (who is considerably shorter than she is). But she has no romantic interest in him.

Challenge… building up the courage to tell her family her secret. The issue is that her identity doesn’t easily fit into her traditional family. The last thing she wants is to disappoint her mom, but she’s worried that not fitting into the frilly girly persona her mom has always wanted for her. On top of this, Devi’s popularity plan doesn’t make Fabiola’s problems any easier.

Personality… nerdy, reserved, and loyal. Fabiola can be frustrated by concepts that she does not understand and can lash out unintentionally during moments of confusion. But where Fabiola shines is through her abilities as a female scientist. For example, when Devi was having issues walking, Fabiola offered to build her a pair of robotic legs. Fabiola is willing to do anything for her friends. Well, anything but date Alex Gomez.


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