


Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… in Elfwood, which is the magic hometown of the elves. He’s constantly surrounded by jolly elves that sing and dance while they work. The land itself contains magical properties and is partially made of candy.

Living… with Bean in the Dreamland kingdom. Elfo accompanies her adventures and shenanigans. Elfo holds great value to kingdom because of the magical background he comes from.

Profession... formerly an assembly worker. He now serves as one of Bean’s closest friends.

Interests... adventure, mundanity, introducing himself, Bean.

Relationship Status... involved with Kissy. He has been having an affair with another elf named Kissy. After leaving Elfwood, though, he’s taken a liking to a Bean but finds his chances to be small. 

Challenge... wanting to feel more emotions. As a creature who’s grown up being happy, Elfo has found himself to be tired of smiling all the time. He’s frustrated with being surrounded by happiness and wants to experience life for what it truly is. As he says, “I want to take a big, meaty bite out of life and dip it in mustard.” When pursuing these goals, he encounters others that would like to use his magical properties for other means.

Personality...  innocent, sensitive, and caring. When attempting to experience the real world for the first time, Elfo appears to be naïve about most things. Elfo is easily annoyed and toyed with as a result. He tends to be sarcastic, but he also wants to be taken seriously.


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