Ed Teach "Blackbird"

Ed Teach "Blackbird"

    Our Flag Means Death

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… in poverty and in an abusive household. Blackbeard was always being told by his parents that he didn’t deserve anything.

Profession… pirate captain of Stede Bonnet’s ship The Revenge. Upon hearing about Stede’s unique pirating style, Blackbeard became intrigued and decided to join as a guest on his ship. Over time, Blackbird became the ship’s captain and is now considered one of the most legendary pirate captains ever. Known for his ruthlessness and violent methods, people quake in fear at the sound of his name, and they rarely attempt to fight back. However, after years of pirating, he seems to crave a more comfortable and calmer lifestyle. As he says, “Blackbeard always wins. That's the thing, he can't fail. It's not even a challenge anymore."

Interests… sword fighting, leather, and the finer things in life. Blackbeard enjoys a good swashbuckling and almost always dresses in full leather outfits. Though he knows little about how wealthy people live, Stede offers to teach him more in exchange for advice on pirating.

Relationship Status… single. Blackbeard has seemingly never been in a real relationship. However, his new friendship with Stede seems to be becoming more and more intimate by the day…

Challenge… overcoming his childhood traumas and becoming a better person with the mentoring of Stede. Although his life of piracy was his initial escape from his traumatic childhood experiences, he is coming to realize that he cannot solve every problem with violence and threats. But he’s finding it hard to change his ways and keeps reverting to immaturity and vulgarity despite Stede’s advice. 

Personality… outwardly brash and cruel but inwardly tender and kind. While Blackbeard uses violence to get his way, he has a tender side that he shares with Stede. However, these two opposite facets of his personality make it hard for him to make tough decisions and so Blackbeard must find a way to combine these two parts of himself or else suffer the consequences.


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