Dick Tracy

Dick Tracy

    Dick Tracy
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Overview…. the number one cop just about anywhere. Dick Tracy doesn’t believe in compromising his morals for anything, and he always gets his man. Part of this is because he’s aided by the very latest in forensic science and technological advances, like his signature two-way wrist radio. Part of it is because he’s got moral support from his longtime girlfriend, Tess Trueheart. But most of it is because he simply does not stop.

Personality… brave, persistent, and just. Dick Tracy is as upstanding as his jaw is square, and his jaw is pretty darn square. He is driven by a rigorous moral code, and only respects people who live up to his exacting standards. This means he can actually be pretty cynical about the justice system. But he won’t let the bad guys get away no matter what anyone else says.


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