Delphine Cormier

Delphine Cormier

    Orphan Black
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up... in France, where she attended boarding school and developed an interest in science. 

Living... in Minneapolis at the University of Minnesota.

Profession... PhD student in immunology. But Delphine has a specific interest in Aldous Leekie and his work on Neolution at the Dyad Institute. Neolutionists believe evolution should be self-directed by humans through genetic engineering and physical alterations, and Delphine is fascinated by their philosophy.

Interests... science, wine, cigarettes, and puppies. Although Delphine is currently living in the U.S., she’s still very proud of her French heritage. 

Relationship Status... it’s complicated. After breaking up with her long-distance boyfriend, Delphine immediately hits it off with her fellow student Cosima. But while Cosima is interested in pursuing something romantic, Delphine isn’t exactly sure how she feels about dating a girl. As she puts it, “I have never thought about bisexuality. I mean, for myself, you know? But, as a scientist, I know that sexuality, is a... spectrum.” But there’s also the fact that mysterious Delphine might not be quite as honest as she pretends to be.

Challenge... figuring out where her loyalties lie. Delphine has a bad habit of getting involved with questionable people. Though her intentions are usually good, she’s sometimes willing to make moral compromises along the way. Delphine has to learn to balance her scientific mind with her sense of morality, without letting her heart get in the way.

Personality... mysterious, elegant, practical, and brilliant. Delphine has an innate reserve that is very French. She prefers to be practical and scientific rather than simply follow her heart. But Delphine can also be warm and loyal to those she truly cares about. Though she’s open-minded in both her personal life and her professional one, she’s quite secretive when it comes to revealing her motives.


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