Daniel "Danny" O'Neill

Daniel "Danny" O'Neill

    Lady Bird

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Living… in the blue and white house in the wealthy part of Sacramento, California.

Profession… student at Xaviers, the local boys’ school.

Interests… participating in the school’s theater program. He’s become close with a new student who goes by “Ladybird” who is also theater. Ladybird says she comes from the wrong side of the tracks. As Danny says, “I always thought that that was like a metaphor, but there are actually train tracks.”

Relationship Status… single. Danny prefers boys, but he doesn’t want anyone to know. He doesn’t think that would go over well in his conservative Catholic school. He had a chance to feel Ladybird’s breasts, but he respected her too much to act on it.

Challenge… coming out before he was ready. When he’s discovered making out with another boy by Ladybird, we get a glimpse into just how much Danny is tormented by his sexuality.

Personality… funny, sweet, and insecure. Danny can best be described as the all-American good guy, with his plaid shirts and cheesy sense of humor. Although he can others smile, he’s not always smiling himself. He’s afraid of not being accepted, but he still wants to stay true to himself. Hopefully, he’ll stop worrying about what others think and just live his life.


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