Cordelia Foxx

Cordelia Foxx

    American Horror Story
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew up… atMiss Robichaux’s Academy for Exceptional Young Ladies. She followed in her mother Fiona’s footsteps, but turned out the complete opposite. Neglected by her mother, Cordelia was essentially raised by Myrtle Snow, or “Auntie” as Cordelia calls her. Myrtle is a member of the Council (a governing body of the witch world), a lifelong adversary of her mother, and a witch known for her mastery of logic, all of which surely rubbed off on Cordelia.  

Living… in New Orleans, within the halls of the Academy… in the shadow of her mother. It’s hard not to when your mom is the reigning Supreme Witch. 

Profession… headmistress of Miss Robichaux’s Academy. Under Cordelia’s direction, the Academy’s enrollment has fallen to single digits and the emphasis of learning has been on extreme discreteness and academic fervor rather than magical prowess and pride. Cordelia takes her job very seriously, but lacks the commanding presence of previous headmistresses.

Interests… protecting her students. Well, more like excessively sheltering them. But she means well. Like her “Auntie,” she takes solace in logic and the intellectual, with a particular flair for botany and potion-making. As she says once, “I don't need magic to tell me what I already know.” Above all, Cordelia wants a family; she wants a ‘normal’ life. Or is she just too afraid to realize her full potential?

Relationship Status… married. To Hank Foxx, a man her mother Fiona has never trusted. Their relationship is comfortable and cookie-cutter, but is being strained by fertility problems. 

Challenge…  fixing her marriage and running a successful school at the same time. It is of utmost importance to Cordelia that she instill in her students the principles necessary to becoming prudent, wise witches. Of course, her mother becomes involved when a witch must be burned at the stake for using her powers in public, igniting a whole host of suppressed feelings that cloud Cordelia’s usually impeccable judgment. Now Cordelia must deal with the demanding Fiona every day, which is basically the definition of “challenge.”

Personality… sweet, reserved, and intellectual, but with a fierce and sterling conscience. In the heat of the moment (when she can find the words), she is steadfast to her principles: “And rest assured, you will be accountable for every single betrayal, no matter how deep you think your secrets are buried.” Never truly having a mother herself – Fiona was never very maternal – she is a mother hen to her students and would do anything for them. Sadly, her mother knows just how to push her buttons and stoke her resentment. Cordelia spends her life constantly comparing herself to Fiona, hopelessly searching to find the exceptional in herself and become the witch her mother always wanted her to be.


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