Charlotte Doppler

Charlotte Doppler


Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… as an orphan. Charlotte was raised by her guardian, H.G. Tannhaus.

Living… with her husband and two children in Windin, a small German town.

Profession… Chief of the Winden Police in 2019. Charlotte is obtaining search warrants, to infiltrate the Winden Nuclear Power Plant to reveal information regarding missing characters and timeline details. Much of her knowledge of Winden can be attributed to her frequent crime investigations.

Interests… death. Charlotte has always been fascinated by death. As a kid, she loved to draw pictures of dead birds. She even takes the bird carcasses to store in her freezer. Later, she meets her future husband Peter Doppler.

Relationship Status… married. Charlotte met her husband Peter Doppler when Charlotte is waiting at a bus stop in 1987. Curiously, their first interaction involves her interest in death, as she asks him if he believes in resurrection. They were married happily for a while, but their marriage has disintegrated since Peter visited a transgender prostitute named Benni. Peter and Charlotte’s tense relationship angers their eldest daughter Franziska, creating a rift between Charlotte and Franziska. Charlotte’s relationship with her other daughter Elisabeth is far more complicated than her relationship with Franziska.

Challenge… finding out the truth about her mother. One of the biggest mysteries Charlotte grapples with is her kidnapping from birth. Charlotte never knew her mother, but she's desperate to find out who she was. Charlotte is learning more and more about her upbringing and backstory. Although her job as Chief of Police is certainly demanding, her primary challenge comes with uncovering her own history.

Personality… serious, even to those she loves. Charlotte’s position as Chief of Police has forced her to be somber. When she talks, it’s all business. Specifically, she is very serious when she questions Elisabeth about Yasin, when she investigates Peter’s whereabouts, and when she follows up on Helge’s cabin.


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