Cersei Lannister

Cersei Lannister

    Game of Thrones
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Living... as Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, wife to King Robert Baratheon and mother of three children. The oldest, Joffrey, is heir to the Iron Throne. She lives a comfy life, and her every need is attended to, but she remains a deeply unhappy woman. Her husband’s insatiable appetite for booze and women is a constant source of humiliation and Cersei seeks comfort in a forbidden place – the arms of her twin brother Jaime.

Profession... Queen. But her real job these days is grooming her eldest son Joffrey to one day be King. Cersei fancies herself a canny political operator and often curses the fact that she was born a woman, a fact that consigns her to an ancillary political role. This resentment fuels her, causing her to absolutely commit herself to raising her son to the absolute height of power.

Interests… plotting Joffrey’s rise to the top even as he grows more and more despised by everyone who meets him. There’s no shortage of potential challengers to the throne who plan to get there by killing everyone in their path. As Cersei tells Eddard Stark, “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die.” She’s watched that game from the sidelines long enough to learn how to win.

Relationship Status... in a loveless, political marriage to the King; and a forbidden, incestuous relationship with her brother Jaime. Her husband never loved her, and in time she grew to despise him. She and her brother have been lovers since they were very young, and don’t seem to have any intention of stopping any time soon.

Challenge... maintaining the position of her family. If her relationship with her brother were discovered, her children would lose their place as heirs to the Iron Throne. Cersei must fight, plot, and murder to keep her secrets and prevent the other power-hungry houses of Westeros from ascending to the Iron Throne.

Personality... cold and manipulative, yet with a blind spot regarding her children. She sometimes seems oblivious to Joffrey’s intolerable cruelty, and wants him to have power more than she wants him to wield it responsibly. Despite Cersei’s long list of faults, she loves her children deeply and everything she does is for them. Unfortunately, she’s not quite as clever as she thinks, and will be tested in the days ahead as she matches her political mettle against some of the cleverest and deadliest schemers in the Seven Kingdoms.


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