Brian Robeson

Brian Robeson


Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… in New York state, with his mother and father. Just recently, though, his parents divorced and his father moved to Canada, leaving Brian split between his mother during the school year and his father in the summer. The divorce occupies his thoughts daily.

Living… somewhere in the woods. Brian had initially been excited to fly in a single-engine plane on his way to visit his father in rural Canada, but when the pilot had a heart attack and the plane crashed, Brian found himself alone in the middle of nowhere.

Profession… survivalist, until he can figure out a way home. At only 13 years old, Brian’s “job” used to be going to school, but now even making it through the day is a full-time occupation.

Interests… hunting, making fire, avoiding bears. At first Brian only has movies and TV to guide him, but he starts to learn how to survive in the woods through painful trial and error.

Challenge… surviving. Shelter, clean water, food, and safety are no longer guarantees for Brian, and he is ill-prepared to deal with the woods. Armed only with a hatchet, he must adjust himself to nature and learn how to fend for himself. More than that, he needs to conquer his own emotions and the thought patterns that are holding him back.

Personality… thoughtful, perceptive, and flexible. Brian starts his time in the woods as miserable as anyone would be, stranded alone and hungry. But he quickly begins to adjust, figuring out the rhythm of forest life and trying to keep a positive attitude. In the forest, he learns, there is no use or room for self-pity.


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