Boyd Crowder

Boyd Crowder

Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew up… in a dysfunctional family with his parents and younger brother Bowman. The Crowder clan has a complicated, convoluted, blood stained family tree.

Living... back in his rural hometown of Harlan, Kentucky. He fits right in with the drug dealers and white supremacists who populate the rural town. 

Profession... former soldier. He served a tour in Kuwait during Operation Desert Storm.

Interests… religion. After being shot by his childhood friend and current U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens, Boyd has become a born again Christian. Now, no one is sure if this born-again thing is for real. Some suspect that this just another con to attract followers and gain power in the small town.

Relationship Status... in love with Raylan’s old high school sweetheart Ava. She was married to Boyd’s brother Bowman but shot him dead. Boyd held her hostage, which caused Raylan to shoot him. Somehow after all that, Ava manages to develop feelings for Boyd, and now Ava’s all caught up in it.

Challenge... going up against Raylan Givens. Raylon’s on a quest to take down the meth trade in Harlan. He’s got the law on his side, but Boyd’s got a dangerous, deadly, fervently religious flock backing him up. Boyd’s banking on having the advantage. It’s a small town, and as Boyd says, “A small town never forgets.”          

Personality... intelligent, with a twisted morality and a merciless approach to justice. He’s shot rocket launchers at churches only to become a man of faith himself. Impossible to pin down, he readily quotes literature like a professor and scripture like a preacher – that is, when he’s not pumping bullets into his enemies.


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