Bianca Stratford

Bianca Stratford

    10 Things I Hate About You
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Overview... someone who is decidedly not living the teenage dream. Despite being popular and well-liked at school, Bianca is single. It’s not for a lack of admirers, but because her strict father won't let her date until her sister, Katarina, finds a boyfriend first. And considering what the unsentimental Kat thinks of romance... well, Bianca's resigned herself to a lot of waiting.

Personality... cheerful and bubbly – the opposite of her sister, thank God. Where Kat is all sarcasm and feminism, Bianca is sweetness and light and would love nothing more than a boyfriend. Unfortunately, there's still her father's rule to consider. But when local bad boy Patrick starts hanging around her sister, could Bianca finally have her own chance at love? 


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