Benjamin "Soldier Boy"

Benjamin "Soldier Boy"

    The Boys

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… in Philadelphia, until he joined the military after getting kicked out of boarding school. Benjamin (Soldier Boy), then exploited his father’s wealthy contacts to insert himself in the Vought trials. He has become “America’s Son,” and is regarded as the strongest man alive.

Living… in a sealed pod, within a high-security laboratory.

Profession… Former U.S soldier and propaganda actor, retired leader of the super group, Payback. He’s now visiting his old company, Vought, via the recruitment for a mission offered by the Boys.

Interests… alcohol, drugs, women, and violence. Soldier Boy is a picture poster boy, more celebrity than an actual hero. In true golden boy fashion, he resorts to bullying and belittling anyone who stands in his way. No one must look down on him or deny him what he wishes.

Relationship Status… single. He recently got out of a long-term relationship with a sprinkle of betrayal to top it off. Soldier Boy can be quite a womanizer. He is sure he has multiple children around…somewhere in the world from his previous flings. Still, he would have liked to raise them and to be a better father than his own was to him.

Challenge… accepting that he is no longer relevant. Naturally, waking up and realizing that you have been replaced and betrayed a couple of hundred times over is enough to sting. As he says, "I fought for this country, and what did I get for it? Forgotten." Soldier Boy must face the new life he has found himself in with as much maturity as he can muster. And the complicated relationship he once held with his father has come back to manifest itself in a string of new problems coming his way.

Personality… proud, arrogant, and all-American “Alpha” male. He is likely the living embodiment of the word “macho.” Despite his recklessness and his complete disregard for anyone else, Soldier Boy is someone you can count on to get the job unfinished.


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