

    Into the Woods
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Overview... a baker eager to break a family curse. The Baker and his wife live a comfortable, if busy, life at their bakery, but they long to have a child. Unfortunately, a neighborhood Witch cursed their family with infertility. To reverse their fortunes, the Witch sends them to collect “the cow as white as milk, the cape as red as blood, the hair as yellow as corn, the slipper as pure as gold.” Of course, it’s also important to be careful what one wishes for…

Personality... bumbling but well-meaning. The Baker is eager to be a strong, independent man and he doesn’t like to admit how much he relies on his wife – which is a great deal. But while he may not great with details or long-term planning, he is brave and caring, and he hates to see other people suffer.


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