Character Analysis
(Avoiding Spoilers)
Grew up… in Montesano, Wisconsin. Ana’s biological father died shortly after her birth, and she was raised by her mother and her stepfather Ray. She got along well with them, and when her mother left to be with another man, Ana decided to stay with Ray.
Living… in Vancouver, Washington, where she’s attending school at the University of Washington Vancouver campus.
Profession… student. Ana is studying English, and she hopes to work in the publishing field someday. Her friend and roommate Kate is a journalist. When she falls sick, Ana has to sub in for her on the day she was supposed to interview Christian Grey, well-known business magnate.
Interests… reading. Ana loves literature, and has decided to pursue a career in books. She’s also a fairly good cook, and her stepfather Ray taught her how to use tools and work with her hands.
Relationship Status… dating. Kind of. There’s no doubt that the enigmatic Christian Grey is attractive, and Ana’s never wanted to be with anyone more. But apparently Christian doesn’t “do romance.” Ana’s not sure she’s ready for whatever it is he does, but she’s willing to try.
Challenge… to make it work with Christian. He’s controlling, dominating, and kind of aggravating. But Ana sees another side of him, a more vulnerable side, lurking underneath. Unfortunately, he won’t open up to her. Yet.
Personality… shy and awkward, Ana doesn't have great social skills. But even if she isn’t the best at small talk, she’s intelligent and capable. Ana is kind-hearted, and hates disappointing people. Her biggest flaw tends to be her stubborness — she won’t accept compliments or gifts, and she doesn’t always listen to other people’s explanations of a situation.