Character Analysis
(Avoiding Spoilers)
Living… in an upper-middle class Ontario suburb with her family. There is a Martha-steward inspired crafts room in the basement, chock-full with anything needed for a DIY project. As with many suburban neighborhoods, everyone knows each other’s drama. But what her neighbors don't know is that she might secretly be a clone.
Profession… resilient “soccer mom.” Alison prides herself on being an exceptional stay at home mom. She is heavily involved in her children’s lives – from helping coach the soccer team, to running several school committees.
Interests… theater, shooting guns in her spare time, and taking care of her family. Alison is heavily involved in her community. She has also recently been cultivating her singing and acting skills in the nearby community theater.
Relationship Status... married. Alison married her high school sweetheart, Donnie. After numerous years of trying to conceive, they adopted two children, Gemma and Oscar. Their relationship has recently become strained as they find themselves further and further apart, emotionally. Neither of them will compromise on anything, and they constantly snap at each other. Alison has stopped sleeping with Donnie, which has only driven him to spend more time with friends and watch porn.
Challenge… keeping her family safe, controlling her borderline alcoholism, and maintaining her sanity. Alison has recently uncovered the fact that she is a clone. Along with fellow clones Sarah Manning and Cosima Niehaus, they are trying to discover their origin. One of her biggest fears is that her family will find out that she is a clone, or as she puts it, a “freak.” She is willing to protect her family at any cost, and even has another clone, Beth Childs, teach her how to shoot guns.
Personality… uptight, anxious, paranoid, and loyal. Alison is very conservative and a micromanager. When taken out of her comfort zone, she becomes emotionally unstable. She is extremely dedicated to her family, and is constantly putting their needs before hers. She is also very set in her lifestyle, and goes to great lengths to maintain her life as a normal suburban mom. After discovering that she is a clone, Alison has become very paranoid and believes that those close to her may be monitoring her life.