Agent Smith

Agent Smith

    The Matrix
Photo Credit: Everett Collection

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Grew Up… as a computer program. Agent Smith had no childhood. He had no birthday and no mother or father. He was created. By machines. He never ages, never really feels, and therefore is the perfect program for taking care of business.

Living… in the Matrix, a complex virtual reality system made to trick humans into thinking they are living in real life, while they are actually cooped up in pods being farmed for energy. Agent Smith helps sustain the false reality of the Matrix. He can take control of the bodies of anyone who is plugged into the system, basically making him something of a superman. He can also dodge bullets and pull off other superhuman feats.

Profession… Agent of the system. He’s basically a police officer for the Matrix. When someone becomes a threat to the program, he takes care of them, usually by shooting them, and usually along with a team of other Agents.

Interests… eradicating the human race. Unlike the machines who programmed him, Agent Smith has come to learn that the Matrix is a hateful, putrid place. And deep down, Agent Smith wishes to end all that. This becomes his sole interest.

Relationship Status… married to the system. He can only love as much as he is programmed to love – which isn’t very much at all.

Challenge… escaping the unending tedium of the Matrix. He admits to Morpheus, a leader of the remaining humans, “I hate this place. This zoo. This prison. This reality, whatever you want to call it, I can't stand it any longer. It's the smell, if there is such a thing. I feel saturated by it. I can taste your stink.”

Personality… robotic, villainous, but with a mind of his own. If he was simply a program that did what it was told, he would never have the idea to go rogue and escape his uniform existence.


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