Eijiro Kirishima

Eijiro Kirishima

    My Hero Academia

Character Analysis

(Avoiding Spoilers)

Living… in the dorms of UA high. 

Profession… student. Kirishima attends the number one hero school in Japan, a prestigious academy with a .02% acceptance rate! Kirishima is the only member of his class with a transformation “quirk.” He can harden his skin, forming his body into a rock-like substance. His skin hardens according to his willpower, this incredible defense power marks him in the top ten in his class, and among the entire student body. In his own words, his goal is to “get harder and become a wall that will never fall.”

Interests… manliness and meat, respectively. Nothing gets Kirishima more pumped than making new buddies and witnessing acts of manliness (performances of bravery and selflessness) that move him to tears. “So manly!”

Relationship Status… single. Kirishima’s focus is on improving his abilities to become the best pro hero that he can be. 

Challenge… struggling with his self-image. Before UA, he could not push himself as far as he would have liked. So, he utilized his “unmanly” experiences to serve as motivation to get accepted into UA. Under their training, he could become someone worth admiring, especially if he continues to push his limits. Now, Kirishima is undergoing an active journey of confidence, to accept that he is enough, even when he feels as though he could have done more. Self-love is incredibly manly. 

Personality… chivalrous, dependable, and outgoing. The vibrancy of his red mane mirrors his welcoming and boisterous presence. Kirishima lives according to his strict code. If he is courageous enough, he can earn instant respect. His friends can count on his loyalty, and he will have their back without a doubt. Kirishima does his best to live his life without regret. Serving others with kindness and honesty is his aim.


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