Because you like Mr. Spock in Star Trek

Father to a murdered son and husband to a murdered wife, Maximus Decimus Meridius will have his vengeance. See them in Gladiator.

All who live know his name, and all who oppose him shall know Death. See them in Darksiders Series.

Just call Jeff Lebowski The Dude. Or His Dudeness, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into that whole brevity thing. See them in The Big Lebowski.

Mr. Blonde is the undisputed leader of his pack of suited-up outlaws, with a stoic and serious demeanor, and a penchant for bloodshed. See them in Reservoir Dogs.

A benevolent madman with a blue box, The Doctor is traveling through time and space to heal the wounds of the universe. See them in Doctor Who.

Christopher Turk is bringing his A-game to his next big challenge: becoming a surgeon. See them in Scrubs.

John Watson is haunted by his past (who isn't) but he's starting to branch out with some help from a world class detective. See them in Sherlock.

With an undeniable sense of adventure, Huck Finn is an expert at getting into and, more importantly, out of sticky situations. See them in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

CIA operative Carrie Mathison is on a self-assigned mission to follow a lead, whether it be the truth or just her delusions playing tricks. See them in Homeland.

Whether he’s hacking or dodging a bullet, Neo has a poker face that never drops. And it doesn’t hurt that he’s prophesied to be "The One" to save humanity. See them in The Matrix.

Even the smallest person can change the course of the world, if he's brave enough. See them in The Lord of the Rings.