Because you like Regina Mills in Once Upon a Time
After surviving a CIA mission that was supposed to kill him, ex-military man John Reese bets it all on a chance to redeem himself. See them in Person of Interest.
Barry Allen is a nerd, forensics expert‚ and superhero with supersonic speed who is determined to solve his mother's murder. See them in DC Extended Universe.
Tobias "Four" Eaton is only afraid of four things, but you should probably be afraid of him. See them in Divergent.
Joey Tribbiani's true passions in life are acting, sandwiches, football, sex, and asking ladies, "how you doing?" See them in Friends.
Nemo is a small fish in a vast ocean, but he dreams of seeing it all. See them in Finding Nemo.
Mike Lane is magnetic, beefy, and street-smart, but how long can he keep up with the red-light scene? See them in Magic Mike.
Skye is a pluck hacktivist who tries to use her power for good. Unfortunately, " good" isn't always so clear-cut. See them in Marvel Cinematic Universe.
It's time somebody has to take over. It might as well be Fish Mooney. See them in Gotham.
A girl who grew up on stories, Meggie Folchart is as loyal and intrepid as one of her fictional heroines. See them in Inkheart.
Simba just can't wait to be king, but he's got a lot of growing up to do first. See them in The Lion King.