Because you like Gregory House in House M.D.

A master manipulator, Frank Underwood has a tight grip on Washington DC. Plus who doesn't like having a leader who frequently tosses off Shakespearean asides? See them in House of Cards.

Claire Underwood is scary intimidating, and she knows it. See them in House of Cards.

Sylar's victims are found all over the country, many with their brains removed. See them in Heroes.

Christopher Turk is bringing his A-game to his next big challenge: becoming a surgeon. See them in Scrubs.

Don't worry about this forensic scientist offing you unless you're a serial killer yourself. (You're not, right? Just checking.) See them in Dexter.

After surviving a CIA mission that was supposed to kill him, ex-military man John Reese bets it all on a chance to redeem himself. See them in Person of Interest.

John Locke is an eerily calm, confident believer in the magic of the island that gave him his legs back. See them in Lost.

Jack Bauer is a terrorist fighter who is scared of nothing and no one. The clock is ticking! See them in 24.

Mr. Robot always seems to know what to do when others are lost. But can he be trusted? See them in Mr. Robot.

Dev Shah is a technology-obsessed New Yorker balancing struggles in his love life and career. Maybe you've seen his Go-Gurt commercial. See them in Master of None.

Captain Spock is on a five-year mission exploring the final frontier and boldly going where no man has gone before. See them in Star Trek.