Because you like R in Warm Bodies

Intelligent and compassionate, Hazel Lancaster would rather face things, even bad things, than sugarcoat the truth. See them in The Fault in Our Stars.

Running away from murderous aliens has turned into an interstellar chase for Jupiter Jones. See them in Jupiter Ascending.

Gollum is slimy and seething with hatred, the last person you would want to meet in a dark cave. See them in The Lord of the Rings.

Francis Freeman may be impervious to pain, but he sure knows how to inflict it. See them in Deadpool.

Lyra Belacqua is prone to getting in trouble, but she's also clever enough to get out of it. Most of the time. See them in The Golden Compass.

Liv Moore is a sarcastic high-achiever turned morally conflicted zombie. See them in iZombie.

A premier member of the leather cat-suit club, Selene can chill you with a stony look, or ice you with her ninja moves. See them in Underworld.

Bella Swan thinks of it as her job to help her parents and protect her friends, even though it often ends up the other way around. See them in Twilight.

Sarah Ashburn lives life by the book and has trouble getting along with anyone who doesn't do the same. See them in The Heat.

People think that because Tris is small, or a girl, or a Stiff, she can't possibly be cruel. But they're wrong. See them in Divergent.

Buttercup is a farm girl turned princess who'd do anything to have her old life back. See them in The Princess Bride.

While Fantine's gentleness has led others to take advantage of her, it ultimately forces her to become stronger. See them in Les Miserables.